Thursday, October 29, 2009

Life back to Normal...

Wow - as long as two months seems, when you look back on it, it's definitely not as long as it felt while it was happening! We've come a long way in 29 days! Robby and I both found jobs and started this week. The pay's not what either of us are used to, but neither is the cost of everything else, so perhaps there will be balance.

We have the tickets for the boys and I SO can't wait until they get here... I miss my dudes!

The weather has really changed this week! Last weekend, it was 80 and sun - this week, snow storm, two feet of snow and 25. Blech! Oh well, but next week it will be 60 again. Maybe then I can finish getting all the leaves picked up.

We're getting settled in, and enjoying our home so much! Tonight we sat in the hot tub, surrounded by mounds of snow, while little snowflakes fell on our heads. It was so romantic (and then was cold!)

Well - I'm going to sign off and post photos because I know that's what people really want to see (MOM!)
